I'm Jealous.

Okay, I’ll admit that I think I’m a decently good singer.  I’m not amazing, but I can sing.  But I am SUPER jealous of these teeny-tiny singers.  I found it on YouTube.  (Like I really have time to be playing around on YouTube!) 

They call themselves The Cactus Cuties, and the group is made of 5 girls who range in age from 8 to 13.  They are from Texas, and they sang the national anthem at the opening of the Texas vs. Texas Tech basketball game back in January.


No Responses to I'm Jealous.
  1. Peapodsquadmom
    March 16, 2008 | 1:45 pm

    Holy belting, Batman! They’re good!

  2. Peapodsquadmom
    March 16, 2008 | 1:45 pm

    Hey…but they ain’t no Haddock Boys, eh?