Daily Archives: 6:38 pm

I scream! You scream! We all scream for ice cream!

But I promise that the reason my kids are screaming and the reason I am screaming are not the same!  They’re excited about the ice cream(really, do you ever out-grow that?).  I’m screaming, “Be careful!  Don’t drip, don’t drip, dontdripdontdripDONTDRI…oh, well…so much for not dripping!”

But today I have found the perfect solution:  Dripstiks.  (Most of you know how much I dislike companies who misspell their name on purpose, but if the product is good enough, I can forgive that minor slip in judgement!)  A Dripstik is a plastic ice cream cone/popsicle holder.  On one end you can put a popsicle stick, the other side accomodates various size ice cream cones.  But either way you use it, it holds in all the drippies!  And it gives the kids a great, big holder to hold onto.  Since I can tell I’m not discribing this very well, take a look at this picture to help you figure it out:

Anyway, when I bought these yesterday, I still had my doubts.  So…we decided to stick to the popsicles-while-wearing-only-diapers rule.  (Hence the semi-naked pictures.)  But, much to my surprize, they worked wonderfully.  Here are a few pictures of my little dipsticks with their dripstiks!