This is the conversation I had with Lydia in the car tonight on the way home from church.
Me: So what did you guys do at church tonight?
Lydia: I play…I play with my ass and…
Me: What?
Lydia: I play with my ass and…
Me(wondering just went on in the nursery): And what?
Lydia(more emphatically): No, Mama. I play with my ass and.
Me(completely confused, and unsure what to say): You played with your ass and what?
Lydia: NO! I play with MY ASS AND.
It wasn’t until she screamed it that I realized what she was saying: “I played with my Adison.” (Her little friend from church.)
Ha! The joys of toddler translation….
ok. if my loud giggle just woke up the napping peapod squad, you are soooo in trouble.
tell emmie i saw her “ass and” at ingles this morning. 😉