Because I’m always behind the lens, there are very few pictures of me. Of the ones that are taken, I’d venture to say that I am happy with roughly 1% of those. I much prefer hiding behind the camera!
But every now and then I get a good one. If you’re my friend on Facebook or Twitter, you’ve seen this before. Sorry. I’m really not full of myself, I was just excited to have a good picture of myself!
This is the way my hair looks if I fix it appropriately:
And I like it when it looks like that.
However, most of the time it ends up looking like this:
So, after seeing the new Night at the Museum movie, I’ve decided that I really like Amy Adam’s hair. The one playing Amelia Earhart. I think I might attempt a cut similar to hers:
Photo by Hamara Photo
What do you think??
Love the short look.
I will say that I spend more time on my hair now that it’s short than when it was long. (Though “more time” is still not much compared to a lot of people.)
That is a super cute “do” and would look fantastic on you! However, I must agree with punkinmama – when my hair was short it required a lot more time/effort/product/etc. to style. My hair is long & boring now but it’s so easy to put in a ponytail when I don’t want to fix it. However, on the other hand (what hand am I on now? the third one?) I’ve seen pics of you with shorter hair & it’s fabulous! SO…that’s my 2 cents.
Very cute cut, but I don’t think you’ll fix it that way! Girl, I know you….blow drying your hair means driving really fast with your window rolled down and your head hanging out! HA!
oh i think you can TOTALLY pull that off. you’ll be even more adorable than you already are (if that’s even possible, my friend).
i agree with everyone. that is a fantastic do BUT it will take some work to fix everyday. but it will look awesome on you!!!!
OMG! Tonya! What wonderful styling advice!! Here I’ve been running the overhead fan & setting the AC on 32 while drying my hair b/c I’m sweating to death, and I could have been hanging my head out the window this whole time! Brilliant!!
So, how does you rmother get this lovely picture?