Wordless Wednesday: Crazy Hair, Crazy Face


6 Responses to Wordless Wednesday: Crazy Hair, Crazy Face
  1. melissa
    July 15, 2009 | 11:04 am

    what a cutie! I love her hair!

  2. abragg
    July 15, 2009 | 2:33 pm

    Sweetness! I can’t wait until Abi has that much hair. We need to get them together sometime!

  3. aleasha
    July 15, 2009 | 5:03 pm

    that girl of yours is just too darn cute for words!

  4. punkinmama
    July 15, 2009 | 10:09 pm

    Simply adorable. The hair. And the face.

  5. Liz Sanders
    July 15, 2009 | 11:57 pm

    Man she is just the cutest thing! Makes me want a little girl extra bad!

  6. jeffra
    July 16, 2009 | 1:02 pm

    She is an adorably cute and it appears funny little girl! I would love to learn how you did her hair like that!