Monthly Archives: August 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Toothless Grin & Double Chin Edition


Alphabet Walk

Alphabet Walk

Carter wanted to go on a Nature Walk tonight.  But instead of traipsing through the woods with the ticks, mosquitoes and fleas, we went on an Alphabet Walk in our neighborhood.  We started out with Carter writing the alphabet in two columns.  As we went on our walk, we tried to find things that began with each letter of the alphabet.  If you click and enlarge the pictures, you’ll see that we got creative a few times.  “Quiet” isn’t something you actually see.  “eXit” doesn’t begin with “X”, obviously.  And, even though I told my kids with complete confidence that “Zinnias” are actual flowers, I was mostly guessing.

But since I was pretty sure there weren’t any Zebras roaming around or any Xylophones or Quilts out in our neighbor’s trash…I did what I had to do.

50 Ways to Leave Your Lover

Don’t worry, Marsh…I’m not leaving, I’m just referencing this song.  And really? It got your attention, didn’t it?  Cheap tricks do work sometimes. Which is why I have a University of Georgia credit card and a cheap fleece blanket. But I’m completely off subject here.

What this post should really be titled is “50 Was to Encourage Someone”. See, I’m the depressive-type. I get the blues often, and I’ve been clinically treated for depression more than once. But some people? Some people aren’t the depressive-type. And when they get down or blue or even just out of sorts, it’s hard for me to sit back and just watch. (Unless you’re a celebrity, and then…I admit it…I read about it in People and see it on ET, and think about how it sucks for you, but I’m glad it’s not me. Yeah…I’m talking to you, Lindsay Lohan.)

Anyway, I was thinking about encouragement and how you can encourage people.  And it’s easier, I think, with girls.  But I tried to come up with a list of things that anybody could fairly easily do for someone who’s struggling.   Here’s a starting list.  Just note that some things really work for some people, and some things have the opposite effect.  Most guys don’t want flowers. (Am I wrong about this?)  And some things are free(!) and some things aren’t so free.  And there are many times that the free stuff means more than the expensive stuff.  Just sayin’.

  • Send an email.
  • Write a letter.  You know, with ink and paper.  And *gasp* a stamp.
  • Just call and say: “You’re doing a good job” or “I want you to know that I’ve been thinking of you” or “You can do it”.
  • Show interest in what (s)he has to say, even if it’s redundant or you disagree or couldn’t care less.
  • Send flowers. (Nice gesture of appreciation for hard work.)
  • Send food.  (Even better gesture of appreciation for hard work.)
  • If appropriate, give them a little shoulder rub.  Or a gift certificate for a massage.
  • Ask how you can help…and then actually help.
  • Be specific when you compliment someone, whether it’s the jewelry they have on or the activity they planned or a point from the lesson they taught that was particularly touching to you.
  • Say that you’ll pray for her/him and actually do it.
  • If you’re not the praying type, send good vibes his/her way.
  • Jewelry is always nice.  🙂
  • So are gift cards.
  • Invite her/him to dinner.
  • Tell them about the positive impact they’ve had on your life.
  • Be a confidant.  A real it-goes-no-further-than-this-room person.

What are some more that you can think of?

Wordless Wednesday: Serenity Amidst Chaos Edition


4th Presbyterian Church, downtown Chicago

10 Words

My friend Dawn over at Not Going Postal started this:

What are your favorite 10 words and why? Here’s my list, and start thinking — because I want to hear yours.

Leave them in the comments, or better yet, blog it and leave a link in the comments. If you tweet a link, pop on a #10words hashtag. I know, I’m bossy, but also nosy and want to be able to find your list.

1. Laughter – No surprise that this is my top word.  Growing up, our house was full of laughter.  Our house today is still full of laughter.  I love to laugh, loud and long and clear.  (And yes, I just quoted Uncle Albert.)

2. Gentleness – I want to be treated gently.  Not like a porcelain doll, but gently.  And I always try to treat others with gentle respect.

3. Strength – My name actually means strength.  But I think it’s one of the most important things in life.  Strength to handle what’s thrown your way, both good things and bad things.  Strength to know when you need help.  Strength to help others when they need help.

4. Love – Not just eros.  Not just agape.  Not just philia.  Not just storge.  But all of them together. I am shaped and molded by each of these kinds of love.   Without love, I am nothing.

5. Patience – It’s something I lack, and something I admire in others.  I remember a song from a high school musical(not High School Musical, obviously) called “I Want What I Want When I Want It, And I Want What I Want Right Now”.  Yeah, I have a hard time with that.

6. Goodness – I think I’m a generally “good” person.  That is until I look around me and see my friend volunteering in India and Africa for weeks on end, my college neighbor and his wife being missionaries in Africa, someone anonymously putting an envelope of cash where you’ll find it when you need it most.  I see this, and I am inspired to do more good and be a better person.  Thank you Lili, Chris and Katie, and anon.

7. Peaceful – Just a few weeks ago, I posted the lyrics to a song called “This Peace”.   As I experience the craziest, most chaotic part of my life thus far, I have begun to learn the value of taking time out to relax, regroup and be still.  I have a long way to go, but I’m learning.

8. Faithful – My “faith” ebbs & flows like the tide, but I think that’s fairly normal.  But even at the lowest points, I do still have faith…in something.  Something bigger than me, some greater good.  And I try to be faithful, reliable, steadfast.  I try.

9. Truthful – Don’t lie to me.  Ever.  It doesn’t go over well.  I’ll also try to never lie to you.  Unless you tell me to.  (Oh, and if you think what you’re wearing makes you look bad, and if it actually does make you look bad, and if you ask me if I think it makes you look bad?  I’m gonna tell you the truth.  So don’t ask me if you don’t want the truth.)

10. Compassion – Even if what you’re wearing does make you look bad, and you ask me if it makes you look bad…I will tell you the truth as compassionately as possible.  🙂

After I made my list, I realized that the words that mean the most to me were familiar.  Apparently I do shut up long enough to listen sometimes.  🙂

One step at a time…

Today was my little girl’s third birthday.  I anticipated writing a nice post about her and posting pictures from the last year.  But, in case you didn’t see my last post, I’m feeling a little overwhelmed.  I still haven’t unpacked from BlogHer.  I’m behind on editing photos from a photo shoot 3 weeks ago.  I haven’t taken Asa’s 7 month calendar picture.  I haven’t taken Lydia’s 3 year old pictures.  All the awesome people I met at BlogHer?  I haven’t read their blogs or followed them on Twitter.  I’ve commented on a few blogs and gotten some comments here.  But I haven’t responded to a single comment in days.  I am not at all prepared for the meeting I have tomorrow.  And I have a fever, sore throat and full-body aches.  I really hope I don’t have swine flu.

So…instead of a birthday post today, I’ll try to get a good one up in the next few days.  But know that Lydia got a doll and named her “Emily”.  Emily got more presents than Lydia, I think.  But they are snug in their tiny iron-framed beds.  And my baby and her baby are as adorable as ever.

Knowing I didn’t feel well, Lydia climbed in bed to cuddle with me.  And as she laid on my chest, I was once again overwhelmed…this time not by all the undone things on my to-do list, but by all she means to me.  How beautiful she is.  How her hair curls perfectly at the ends.  How she laughs at things that don’t make sense.  How she adores Carter, and basks in the attention she gets from Asa.  How she has matured so much over the summer.  How she has gotten longer and more petite.  How much I continue to love her more every single day.

Lydia, this may not be the perfect birthday post, and it may be lacking the slideshow full of pictures from the last year.  But know that it comes from my heart.  And that I love you so much that I’ll lick cake off of your thumb and watch “Eh-mash-eh-nay-shun Moo-fers” with you no matter how crazy it drives me.  I love your real smile(not that ridiculous “cheese” smile you get when you see the camera).  I love your smell.  Your gentleness.  Your excitability.  I love you.