Dorky Dvořák Dancing

Sometimes we dance in our house.

And by we I mean me and the littles.

Often in pj’s or just underwear.

Cause that’s how we roll.

Sometimes it’s ABBA, sometimes it’s Wicked.

And sometimes, when we’re needing a good cool-down,
I put on my favorite song ever:  the 2nd movement of Dvořák’s New World Symphony.

Tonight for what I think is the first time ever, Marshall saw our dance session.
(To say he was amused was an understatement.)

We pretended to be walking through outer space.

Then we were floating down a river while holding hands.

I had three little hands holding tight to mine.

And my heart was full.

And I was happy.

It doesn’t get better than this.

**Side note: I’ve never heard this performed live.  I think this may force me to start a 40×40 list:
#1 Attend a live performance of Dvořák’s New World Symphony.

6 Responses to Dorky Dvořák Dancing
  1. Ally (@allyugadawg)
    July 31, 2010 | 7:13 pm

    You were so clearly created & designed to be a Mom (among many other great things i’m sure). Seriously, from reading your tweets & your blog i’ve learned so much. You’re an amazing Mom and i pray 1 day God will bless my new husband & i with children. If He does, i hope to be as great a Mom as you are. Thank you so much for sharing your life. May God continue to abundantly bless the Ivey family!

  2. domestic extraordinaire
    July 31, 2010 | 7:28 pm

    I am giggling just thinking of you all doing that.

    Also I miss you lots and I wish you were going to be in NYC with me.

  3. Tara
    July 31, 2010 | 9:24 pm

    Dancing in underwear is the bestest…I never would have thought to do i to classical music! (And I wish I were as fun as you!)

  4. Mary @ A Simple Twist of Faith
    August 1, 2010 | 1:38 am

    How fun! Life doesn’t get any better than that!

  5. Heather
    August 1, 2010 | 7:53 am

    Dang I wish we were neighbors! We frequently have Abba Karaoke night! We also dance a lot…in our underwear or jammies! 😉
