Sentences on Sunday{Anna Alden}

A month.  4 weeks.
Gone in a flash.
I am worried that I am going to blink
And you are going to be a teenager.

As time quickly ticks by, you change – almost imperceptibly at first.
And I only notice when the change is complete, the milestone is past.
No longer do I find you curled up in the fetal position,
But unfurled and exploring the space around you.
When did you stop sleeping with your hands up by your face?
Or your legs uncrossed?

And I think you’ve finally begun to see us.
You look into my eyes and study my face,
Just as I do to you.
And I can’t stop my heart from bursting when you half-smile up at me.

I am learning your habits.
You are learning mine.
I hope we have a lifetime of this…
Both of us changing, learning, loving.

Many people worry that they could never love another child like they loved their first
(Or their second or the third),
But you are so easy to love,
and oh how you are loved.

And I hope you always know that, feel that, experience that love.

5 Responses to Sentences on Sunday{Anna Alden}
  1. domestic extraordinaire
    February 27, 2011 | 1:57 pm

    I can’t believe she is one month old already and that I have neglected to send you her parcel….I am on that this week.

  2. AmazingGreis
    February 27, 2011 | 10:53 pm

    OMG, all that hair!! So beautiful!

  3. Sarah Lawson
    February 28, 2011 | 3:19 am

    She is BEAUTIFUL Bridget!!!! I love her hair 🙂

  4. Doll Clothes Gal Pal
    February 28, 2011 | 6:45 am

    Such an Angel! 🙂

  5. punkinmama
    March 1, 2011 | 10:51 pm

    Beautifully written for a beautiful girl.

    Can’t believe she’s a month old already!!