Dry (I Hope)

After Carter was born, I had some serious complications necessitated emergency surgery.
I’ll spare you the details, but it wasn’t pretty.

From that point on, I’ve had problems with urine leakage, and it’s only gotten worse with each pregnancy.

Sometimes even nothing-pee.
It’s been a very frustrating journey.
One that you can’t have until you declare yourself done.

And though my heart could hold a hundred babies, my body and wallet cannot.

So today, I finally, after eight years, am getting this fixed!

I’ve actually seen the procedure done, back when I shadowed a doctor several years ago, so I know it’s a simple enough procedure.
I’ve been told that the recovery is quick and easy for most people, and the success rate is high.
(If you had problems with this procedure or know someone who did, don’t tell me. I’d rather not know at this point.)

I’m headed to the surgery center now, and they said no makeup or jewelry. They said nothing about nail decor, so I hope they’ll leave this:

If I have to have my lady bits all up in the air, I can at least have cute toenails, right?


Yes, I know I have weird toes, especially the little rolly-out one on the side,but toes are weird anyway.
Also? This is the second and probably final time my feet will ever be on the internet. You’re welcome.

9 Responses to Dry (I Hope)
  1. Punkinmama
    December 13, 2012 | 8:23 am

    Praying all goes well and that recovery is quick & easy. xox

  2. Rachael Mercer
    December 13, 2012 | 8:55 am

    Praying for you. Would love to know your experience and how it goes. I’ve done all sorts of treatments for this same problem (must be 4 kids) everything except what you’re doing today. My dr. has recommended for 4 years that I get this sling done but I haven’t….terrible experience with a urologist as a child. I want to know all about it when you are ready to tell me!!

  3. Momma Lioness Michele
    December 13, 2012 | 9:49 am

    Good luck B! I’ll be thinking of you all day and sending up a prayer for a smooth operation and an easy recovery. Love that nail art! Xoxo

  4. Tara
    December 13, 2012 | 9:54 am

    My pinky toe does that, too. Feet are such weird things.

    Good luck today! And next time I come back, I hope to hear you laugh/talk/cough/anything without you needing to run off to the bathroom!!!

  5. Sherry Carr-Smith
    December 13, 2012 | 10:24 am

    Yay for no pants-peeing! My little toe is that way. And pretty toes are a must when your lady bits are in the air. It’s like, a law, or something. You’re going to rock your new bladder! Or something.

  6. Christy
    December 13, 2012 | 10:56 am

    Praying for you!!! And I always always leave my patients toenail decor alone. A girls gotta have nice toes when having surgery!!!! Love, hugs, and prayers your way, dear friend.

  7. Lori Vann
    December 13, 2012 | 12:04 pm

    hey love! yay for no more pee-pee incidents. I think my little toe curls out like that too, toes are weird, but yours are cute today! I think they’ll leave the nail art alone, it’s not like it’s going to set off some sort of magnet or something.

  8. Issa
    December 13, 2012 | 1:10 pm

    Good luck Bridget. I hope it goes well. I actually have a friend who had the same issues and the same surgery and it went very well. So there you go. 🙂