Well, here we go…I’m finally moving out of my box and on to the big wide world of a Mr. Linky list. So far this website has been mostly for my family and friends to read about what’s going on with us. But I think I’m ready to broaden my horizons, get a little more traffic, and meet some folks online. I kind of feel like I’m graduating from high school and getting ready for the “big leagues” of college. There won’t be a ceremony and I will resist the urge to insert a “Pomp and Circumstance” sound file, but there will be parties! 🙂
So…my first party is the 2008 Mommyfest Blog Party. Since I will(hopefully) be getting some new people looking at the site, I’m going to give you guys a run-down of who and what I am. I am a mother of two hilarious, adorable kids. Tucker is 3, Emmie is almost 2. And #3A is on the way, due sometime around Christmas. (All of our ultrasound pictures and such are filed away as “Baby Numero Uno”, “Baby Numero Dos”, etc. I had a miscarriage back in November, so we affectionately call the new baby “3A”.)
My husband is a 3rd year pediatric resident, which means that in 48 days he will be a real, live pediatrician. But it also means that I’ve spent quite a few nights alone for the past seven years while he’s been in medical school and residency. And as excited as I am for him to be almost done, I’m not sure how I’m going to react to him not being on call at the hospital sometimes. When will I ever get a chance to watch my super-girly movies and let the dogs sleep in the bed with me???
We are currently living in a city of about 200,000 people. In just 48 days we will be moving to a city with the population of about 2,000. It’s my hometown, so I’m excited. But I think it is definitely going to take some readjustments for all of us! What? No Target???? I have to drive how far to go to the movies??
Another big adjustment will be leaving the kids I “baby”sit. They aren’t babies at all any more…2 middle schoolers and a 1st-going-on10th grader! They were “my girls” before I had kids of my own, and I can’t believe that I only have a week and half left withthem before my new replacement arrives!! My kids aren’t going to know how to function with out seeing “the girls” all the time! Who am I kidding? I won’t know how to function with out seeing “the girls” all the time! We’re really going to miss them!
I love being crafty in the cut-and-paste-and-create-things kind of way, although I have been known to occasionally be quite cunning and come up with an evil scheme or two. Just kidding. Kind of.
I love music. I sometimes forget how much I love singing with other talented singers until I find myself drawn back into a choir one way or another. Somehow I’ve managed to neglect this part of my life for the past few years, unless you count karaoke-ing alone in the basement. No, I’m not a loser. I am not a loser. I am not a loser. If I repeat it enough times, it will become true, right. Ok, so singingyour heart out in the shower or the car is one thing. Using an actual mic alone in your basement is a whole different story. But at least I’m aware of the problem.
I love watching my kids interact with each other when they don’t think I’m watching. They make me laugh..and I see a lot of my brother and me in the two of them.
I love Grey’s Anatomy, even though I don’t think it’s as good as it used to be. Although I’ve not had a lot of things go terribly wrong in my life and I’m not “damaged goods”, my inner middle-schooler-drama-queen comes out when I watch that show, and I relate to Meredith a lot. I see a lot of myself in her: lacking the balls to get what you want, but not always realizing it. Lacking the confidence to get what you actually want, but not doing anything about it. But at the same time being hard-headed and persistant and just trying to live life the best way you know how.
I love Netflix and Tivo and other things that make enertainment cheap and accessible, while not requiring me to get a babysitter.
My favorite channel is Comedy Central because I love to laugh more than anything else. One of my favorite things about my husband is how much he makes me laugh with his corny jokes and witty remarks.
I love being a Christian, but I don’t like being fanatical about it. I am glad that my God allows me to question and search for answers on my own. I am glad that He nudges me in the right direction when I’m searching for those answers. I am glad that I have a good foundation that allows me to sometimes stray from “religion” in order to find out what’s most important to me and what my faith really means. I’m glad that everyone is not like me, and that there are many different religions that allow people to express themselves to the maximum extent.
I love…blogs that are short enough to read in one sitting! So…happy MommyFest Blog Party!
My bestest friend and side-kick in all those evil schemes I mentioned earlier made note that I didn’t talk about her. So…here’s a taste of the wonderful Jess: She makes me laugh even when I don’t want to. She talked me into getting Netflix, which has been pretty darn exciting for me. She loves my kids…really loves them and doesn’t complain when they throw up on her or drool on her or get poop on her. She’s my girly-girl soul mate in the fact that we usually like the same books, movies and music. We dislike a lot of the same things, too-like seafood and rude, stupid people. I never have a problem with totally being myself around her. She belches and farts in front of me, and doesn’t care when I do the same thing! She is a great teacher who lets her students know that she really cares about them. And she does actually care about them…I hear lots of stories about them! She’s a great nap-buddy when you really need one. She let me fill up one whole room in her house with all of my “crap” when I tried to de-clutter my house when it went on the market. She loves my dogs-who are crazy, neurotic and psychotic. I know I can call on her if I need her at 1am. She sends me flowers. She’s awesome. So…that’s my friend Jess..whom I will miss terribly when we move, but who will always be my side-kick.
nice to meet you in MommyFest blog party 😀
Hope meet you in my Picturing of Life blog. See you there…
My name is Juliana and I joined also MommyFest blog party. Nice to meet you.
I hope you come to visit me also at Juliana‘s Site, just click here.
popped over from the MommyFest blog party!!
hope to see you over at my place Little Rock Star
i’ll be popping in again!
Yaaaay! You Mommyfested! You’re too good a blogger to keep this place to yourself, dear.
Nice to meet you (via Mommyfest). I enjoyed getting to know you. Feel free to enter my drawing at http://mrsnespysworld.blogspot.com/2008/05/mommyfest-giveaway.html
What? No mention of your hilarious side-kick and best friend (me), and how we are friends despite the fact that you karoke alone in the basement!
Hi, and it’s nice to meet you!
Good luck with all the changes coming! It all sounds exciting!
It is so nice to meet you. I have fallen in love with Netflix too, especially the instant view.
I will be back to visit. Have fun at the party!
p.s. Jess is single and would like a husband who has a good enough job that Jess can become a stay at home mom herself!!
It’s very nice to meet you! I wish I could move back to my hometown. I dream about it every sinlge day. So glad you’re getting to do it though!