Today was my little girl’s third birthday. I anticipated writing a nice post about her and posting pictures from the last year. But, in case you didn’t see my last post, I’m feeling a little overwhelmed. I still haven’t unpacked from BlogHer. I’m behind on editing photos from a photo shoot 3 weeks ago. I haven’t taken Asa’s 7 month calendar picture. I haven’t taken Lydia’s 3 year old pictures. All the awesome people I met at BlogHer? I haven’t read their blogs or followed them on Twitter. I’ve commented on a few blogs and gotten some comments here. But I haven’t responded to a single comment in days. I am not at all prepared for the meeting I have tomorrow. And I have a fever, sore throat and full-body aches. I really hope I don’t have swine flu.
So…instead of a birthday post today, I’ll try to get a good one up in the next few days. But know that Lydia got a doll and named her “Emily”. Emily got more presents than Lydia, I think. But they are snug in their tiny iron-framed beds. And my baby and her baby are as adorable as ever.
Knowing I didn’t feel well, Lydia climbed in bed to cuddle with me. And as she laid on my chest, I was once again overwhelmed…this time not by all the undone things on my to-do list, but by all she means to me. How beautiful she is. How her hair curls perfectly at the ends. How she laughs at things that don’t make sense. How she adores Carter, and basks in the attention she gets from Asa. How she has matured so much over the summer. How she has gotten longer and more petite. How much I continue to love her more every single day.
Lydia, this may not be the perfect birthday post, and it may be lacking the slideshow full of pictures from the last year. But know that it comes from my heart. And that I love you so much that I’ll lick cake off of your thumb and watch “Eh-mash-eh-nay-shun Moo-fers” with you no matter how crazy it drives me. I love your real smile(not that ridiculous “cheese” smile you get when you see the camera). I love your smell. Your gentleness. Your excitability. I love you.
considering where you spent half the weekend, I really hope you don’t have the swine flu either!!!
such a sweet, loving tribute to your beautiful little girl! and All she really needs is her mommy and her mommy to feel well! Get some rest!
Happy Birthday Emmie! Your Mommy is so wonderful. I hope you know that. (I know you do.)
Bridget, you are wonderful. You know this. But I will still remind you because you need to hear it. Often. 🙂