Merry Christmas to all!

But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.
Luke 2:19

5 Responses to Merry Christmas to all!
  1. Courtney
    December 25, 2009 | 2:36 pm

    That is my favorite verse in the Christmas story!

  2. Mama
    December 25, 2009 | 10:11 pm

    During my devotion time this morning, I pondered about what Mary must have pondered. How would her peers judge her for being an unwed teenage mother, how Joseph could really love her and trust her, how she could be a mother to the Son of God, how her parents looked at her, how does Joseph know anything about birthing a baby, how to breastfeed, how to travel on a donkey with a tiny baby, no disposable diapers, no pain meds, no one to ask for help…………except maybe her son….WOW!

  3. Becky
    December 26, 2009 | 9:49 pm


  4. DesignHER Momma
    December 28, 2009 | 9:00 pm

    Merry Christmas from my family to yours! Hope it was a great one…