You may have noticed(or not) that my blog was down for a few days while Mommy Geekology helped me get my geek on and redesign my blog. (Really that means that she answered all eleventy-billion stupid questions I’ve asked recently, and she fixed things as I broke them while trying to play with CSS. I really shouldn’t ever be allowed to play with CSS.)
And although I’m back up and running, I won’t around for a while because I’ll be packing for Blissdom! And trying to figure out if I can make some business cards since I waited too late to order them. (Oops!) Any quick and fancy ideas?
ALSO…if you were subscribed to my blog in a feed reader, I think it may be a bit confused by the transition. Could I kindly request you to delete the old one and sign up for the new one? That’d be great. I’d hate for you to miss these life-changing posts I’ve been writing lately.
I’m working on getting my blogroll back up, but I somehow managed to not save my list from the old blog. There are so many blogs that I love to read and want you to know about! Have one you want to share? Leave a link in the comments and I’ll head over and check it out!