A year ago today, I was dressed up and ready for my first big blogger event.
A year ago today I met Casey and Emily, and fell in love with them both immediately.
A year ago today I found out that Chicago is my new favorite city!
A year ago today I had no clue I would be atop the ferris wheel on the Navy Pier
taking one of my favorite pictures of all time.
I entered this photo into Aimee‘s monthly photo contest and was chosen as a finalist!
There are a lot of other amazing photographs, and I’m glad that I’m a part of this group.
But if you could take a moment and click here and vote for me, I’d really appreciate it.
Voting ends Friday at noon!
Lately I’ve been missing my mojo.
My blogging mojo.
My photography mojo.
My keeping up with everything mojo.
But you guys know how much I love black and white pictures.
So when I saw that You Capture was all about b&w, I couldn’t resist.
When I took Carter out to get all his school supplies we had to stop at the grocery store on the way home.
He insisted that we buy some roses for me!
I love that kid!
And it was just what I needed to lift my spirits.
Because this? This is how I’ve felt all week long.
My kids swirling around me.
Complete chaos ruling the day.
And what fun is taking black and whites without doing a quick selfie pic?
I love the light in my bathroom!!