For the past few months, I’ve had this…um…thing going on.
I haven’t tried to keep it a secret.
As a matter of fact, I told anyone who would listen.
It was a great set-up.
I was asked my opinion.
And I got free stuff for sharing it!
Now, apparently, they want my opinion for free!
I never openly share my opinion on anything.
Not meeee.
I knew it would come to an end,
I just didn’t expect the end to be today.
RIP Sonic Free Route 44 Validation Code
The Sonic here only gives them out randomly. It was never a gimme like it was up there…so maybe they are going to the random system. Still doesn’t help your (free) Sonic fix.
Oh my gosh one of these days I am going to get to try this Sonic everyone raves about!!!