A few years ago I wrote what has become a personal belief statement of sorts. I remember struggling with the words as I was writing them and at times I still struggle with them now. But there are moments when I’m feeling a little adrift in my spirituality and need an anchor. There are plenty of creeds and writings and, of course, the bible that I could turn to but sometimes I need something that’s mine, just mine. And so I find myself coming back to this again and again. I’ve needed it lately and thought I’d share it with you again.
I am a Christian.
But I am not a good one.
I believe in one God-the maker of heaven and earth, the creator of things both seen and unseen.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, who inspires, encourages and directs us.
I believe in the forgiveness of my sins through the resurrected body of Jesus Christ.
I believe in life everlasting.
Just because I believe it doesn’t mean I understand it.
I believe that the bible was divinely inspired, but written by humans.
I believe the bible may not be perfect, but it is perfectly the way it’s supposed to be.
I believe that it’s not really the words that matter
as much as the meaning of the words
coupled with the inspiration of God
that is most important.
Just because I believe the bible might have some inconsistencies, doesn’t mean I think it’s invalid or unimportant.
I believe that God gives us unlimited, undeserved grace.
I believe that God gives us unlimited, undeserved mercy.
I believe that God gives us unlimited, undeserved chances.
And I believe that, as Christians, we are called to be like Jesus Christ-who demonstrated these perfectly.
I believe that although I may not be able to really comprehend it or even be successful at it,
I am still expected to try.
Just because I teach it, doesn’t mean I always live it.
I believe that God is love.
And out of love…grace, mercy, compassion, understanding and thoughtfulness flow freely.
Just because I know love – and know it abundantly – doesn’t mean I always show it.
Just because I know love – and know it abundantly – doesn’t mean I always accept it.
Just because I know love – and know it abundantly – doesn’t mean I always feel it.
Just because I know love – and know it abundantly – doesn’t mean I always savor it.
Just because I know love – and know it abundantly – doesn’t mean I delight in it.
I am a Christian.
But I am not a good one.
But (thanks be to God)
God is love.
And even when I don’t show it, accept it, feel it, savor it, delight in it…
God is bigger than me and my failures.
God is bigger than me.
And God is LOVE.