Daily Archives: 10:40 pm


Today went surprisingly well.
I mean, no major melt downs
or bumps we couldn’t handle.
And yet…it still seems…

so overwhelming.

We have room to roam,
a parent at home,
plenty of food (and toilet paper) –
the best of scenarios for this moment.
And yet…it still seems…

so overwhelming.

I think coming to the slow realization
that this is the new normal
not just for a few days or a few weeks
is just…
so overwhelming.

And I’m not quite sure what to do with myself.

And so I watch my kids and marvel at their resilience.
I take a moment to soak up some sunshine.
Breathe in…two…three…four…
and hold…four…five…six…seven…
and let it go…six…seven…eight…