Tag Archive: beach trip

St. Simon's-Jekyll Trip **UPDATED**

*originally posted on Oct. 5, 2007* 

Hi, guys!  We’ve been back from the beach for a week, but I haven’t had time to sort pictures and post. Teddy(Marshall’s brother) is working at the 4H center on Jekyll Island, so we were able to see him while we were on St. Simon’s.  We also got a chance to have one of his friends from the center take some pictures for us.  Her name is Parker McMullen, and she’s a photographer when she’s not teaching at the 4H center.  If you want to see more of her work, check out her website at: http://www.mbphotographyanddesign.com .
Anyway, between Parker and myself, there were about 800 pictures.  I figured that you guys probably wouldn’t be interested in that many, so I sorted them for ya!  🙂  Just to give you a heads up on what you’ll be seeing: in the first photoshow(click here: http://photoshow.comcast.net/watch/rT8Wt6FH ), you’ll be seeing the snapshots I took.  There are the ones of us on the beach.  Tucker was terrified and wouldn’t get anywhere near the water-execpt to run in and fill up his bucket.  He only did that once, though, and after that it was Daddy’s job.  Emmie didn’t seem to like the beach too much either, but she did at least get in the water.  Sorry, Marsh, we’re just not beach people!  There are also pictures of us at the top of the St. Simon’s lighthouse.  There are pictures from the playground by the pier.  Oh!  And pictures from the dolphin tour.  That’s something else Teddy worked out for us.  I didn’t get many good shots of the dolphins because Emmie was asleep on my chest, and it’s kind of hard to take pictures that way.  But there are a couple of shots of dolphin fins.  And, finally, pictures of Teddy showing us all the animals at his work.  I still can’t believe we touched an ALLIGATOR!!! 

The other photoshow(click here: http://photoshow.comcast.net/watch/MY8qB4WY ) are the photos that Parker took.  This one  has music, so turn down the sound if you’re at work. I think she did a great job, given that Tucker would still not have anything to do with the water!  Enjoy, and let us know how you’re all doing, too.  

  **UPDATE:  You can still click the links above, but I’m putting the same pictures in the “our photo gallery” section of this website**