Today hasn’t been good.
I’m sick.
So are all of the kids.
This is the first time we’ve all been sick at the same time.
Luckily, they are faring better than I am.
We’ve been lazy all day, watching TV and eating nothing but muffins and pancakes.
All day Carter, Lydia, Asa and my headache have all been volleying for attention.
And I’m afraid that I showed partiality towards the headache…and the nausea.
They’ve cried.
I’ve cried.
I slept some.
They slept some.
Not always at the same time.
(Thank you, Playhouse Disney!)
I found myself getting very frustrated with them all today.
And I had to keep reminding myself that they don’t feel good either.
They are tired and achey and feeling yucky too.
I had to keep reminding myself that I’m the adult here.
I need to be nice, not lose my temper, not get frustrated.
But it’s hard.
I don’t want to be the grown-up today.
My mom stopped by this afternoon and brought treats for everyone, buoying all of our spirits.
Giving proper germ-free hugs and kisses, she made us all feel better.
Now for a good night’s rest and hopefully we’ll all be as good as new tomorrow!