I am beyond exhausted and pretty darn happy.
Today I played more games of CandyLand than I’ve ever played in my life.
I’ve also laughed and smiled more during a game of CandyLand than I ever have in my life.
I highly suggest buying a $4 pack of paper and a few rolls of tape.
Hours and hours of fun!
(Also? This kid makes the best faces ever. EVER.)

And I know that moustaches are soooo 2012, but I still find them quite amusing.
As do my children. (Dang, they’re cute!)

People brought goodies.
Friends came to play.
Cupcakes were made and eaten.
We laughed and danced and sang.
It’s been a really lovely day.
Many thanks to you all.
Goodnight, friends.
Did you miss Part One of our Valentine’s Day?
Click here to see more about our fun.
When I told you of our little valentine dilemma, you were all quick to help.
We got cards in the mail and people rearranged plans to be with us for our after-school party.
One friend even bought an entire box of cards and sent them to school with one of her teacher friends.
The teacher let each of her students write a science fact on the card and seal it up.
The big three loved it. The little one decided that chocolate was way more interesting.

The children really wanted to do fun valentine cards/gifts, so they helped me comb Pinterest for ideas.
I was planning on doing cute little printables for each one, but they wanted to do them by hand.
Also? My children are as corny as we are. Lydia in particular.
She snorted when she saw the “You’re just WRITE for me” one.

They are so excited, they can hardly stand it!
And I must admit that – even for a girl who doesn’t really care for Valentine’s Day – today’s going to be just lovely.