Monthly Archives: March 2020

Year O’Magic

In 2019, Marshall and I both turned 40. As a gift to each other, we bought annual passes to Disney World for the whole fam damily. Our adventure started last Spring Break, and we were supposed to finish the Year O’Magic this Spring Break. Obviously, that isn’t going to happen.

I know that I don’t really have room to complain. We went at least once a month for the last 11 months (what the what??), but this trip was going to be ah-may-zing. The pièce de résistance. We had the best fast passes, the best resort, the best dining reservations. I mean…it was gonna be something, and I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that I’ve been throwing a bit of a pity party for myself today. I know, I know. It’s stupid. I know that. I know how bougie I sound. And I wish that I weren’t as sad about it as I am, but here we are.

I decided to go through all my old pictures and make a photo book of our adventures this past year, because we had some really, really good times and I want to remember it all. But my favorite part about all of our trips? Just being together. And even though we aren’t at the Mouse’s house, we’re all still together. And as much as I wish it were different, I have to admit that I’m enjoying these days at home together just as much (maybe even more than) as our time at Disney. If I could just get someone to cook all my meals…

I have over a thousand pictures from our Year O’Magic, but I picked a few group shots to share. °o° You’ve probably seen all these before on social media, but let’s face it; this is more for me than any of you anyway. 🤷‍♀️ 

more than I ever expected

I almost hate to admit it:
how happy I am to be at home.
No errands to run.
No running late for pick-up.
The only running right now is running out of napkins.
(Who knew those would be such a hot commodity?)

But people are dying.
More people are going to die.
It’s not that I’m happy about that.
I’m not.
But I am conflicted.
The world is falling apart
– more than ever in my lifetime –
and it’s tempting to watch the news
and stay online
and read all the things
in the name of being informed.

But my heart and my soul both know
that for me, for me
I have to stop.
I have to set limits.
I have to close my eyes
and stick my fingers in my ears a bit
And focus on the only things that I can do right now.

Stay home.
Wash my hands.
Love my family.

And that?
That I can do well.

These moments with my children
are filling my heart.
Laughing with them.
Talking with them.
Just being with them.
Without practices and lessons and games.
Without rushing from here to there.
It’s more than I ever expected
in so many ways.


Today went surprisingly well.
I mean, no major melt downs
or bumps we couldn’t handle.
And yet…it still seems…

so overwhelming.

We have room to roam,
a parent at home,
plenty of food (and toilet paper) –
the best of scenarios for this moment.
And yet…it still seems…

so overwhelming.

I think coming to the slow realization
that this is the new normal
not just for a few days or a few weeks
is just…
so overwhelming.

And I’m not quite sure what to do with myself.

And so I watch my kids and marvel at their resilience.
I take a moment to soak up some sunshine.
Breathe in…two…three…four…
and hold…four…five…six…seven…
and let it go…six…seven…eight…

Well, they’re home. What now?

Many of my friend’s children started “homeschooling” on Monday. My children start today. Since we’ve homeschooled before, we’re a little ahead of the game, but things are going to be very different this go ’round. For starters, I am not the teacher this time. I am incredibly thankful for the amazing teachers we have that have worked so hard to have all the materials and plans ready for us. Our teachers have done everything in their power to make this as painless as possible, but I’m kidding myself if I think it’s going to be easy peasy. But we’ll make it, and so will you.

(Gratuitous photo of my children because their cute little faces haven’t been on this blog in so long and it’s high time to resolve that)

These are a few things I needed to remind myself about before we start this journey. Here’s hoping it can help you out a little, too.

10. Have a to do list, but keep it simple.
We’ll be using BINGO charts for each kid, and I’ll be doing my 3 MITs. At the beginning of the day, I’ll write down three of the Most Important Things that must be done. It’s okay if one of those things is “Take a shower.”

9. Take breaks when you need them, but set a timer.
It’s suuuuuuper easy for your breaks to run long. So, seriously, set a timer.

8. Do work when it works best for your family.
We’re not morning people over here, so I expect we won’t start “school” until at least 9, maybe later. (Some days? Probably much later). If you have to work all day and your care giver can’t help with school work, try doing the “easy” stuff after work and save the “hard” stuff for the weekend. (Also, see number 1).

7. If you have multiple children, encourage them to help each other.
Older kids can help younger kids in obvious ways, but, believe it or not, younger kids can help older kids, too. The best way to learn something is to teach it, right? If an older child is struggling with one of their concepts, have them explain it to the younger child. Being forced to “dumb it down” is sometimes exactly what you need to make it click! If you don’t have multiple children, call us. I have plenty of extra children to share via FaceTime.

6. Dance breaks are a must.
You don’t have to be a good dancer. As a matter of fact, it’s a bonus if you’re not. I promise you’ll have even the most stoic teenager smiling if you shake that groove thang hard enough.

5. Remember that every child is different.
Some kids are going to fly through all of their work and ask for more. Other kids are going to take 2 hours to write 10 vocab words. I have one of each of those, so I know how easy it is to compare them. I promise it’ll be a lot easier on all of you in the long run if you don’t.

4. Celebrate the big stuff…and the little stuff.
Set goals and celebrate them. The super-speedy kid? Give them accolades for finishing all their work in a timely manner, but don’t forget about the kid doing 10 vocab words in 2 hours. You may need to try doing a little dance or cheer or song after every word.

3. If something’s not working out, stop and come back to it later.
If you’re trying and trying and trying and it just.isn’t.working. Just stop. Change gears. Do something different, and come back to it later.

2. Get the work done, but don’t freak out if you don’t.
While continuing education and learning is incredibly important, the main goal right now is to stay healthy. That means physically as well as mentally.

1. Remember that you are not alone.
For all of the trouble it can cause, I really think social media is going to be our lifeline during this time. Ask if you need help.

I know that every situation is different, and that for some folks it won’t be all that hard to slow down and enjoy this time with their family. But I also know that there will be many people who are having to work overtime, and it will be an incredibly difficult season. I see you. I am praying for you. I am here for you. Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.

P.S. I forgot one thing! The best part about schooling at home is that you don’t have to put on pants(!!!!), but in all the excitement of that, don’t forget to brush your teeth and put on deodorant.

no one ever told me

you hear all about the moods and the ‘tudes and the eyerolls
the angst and (perceived) agony are no secret to anyone
but there’s one thing that caught me off guard,
that stole the air from my lungs and left me struggling to breathe
no one ever told me about the grief
no one warned me that it wouldn’t be just she who changed,
but Me
and Us
no one prepared me for that