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Six Word Saturday

I really miss eating “real” food.


*One of my favorite posts, reposted from June 25, 2009 but with a new picture.*


You smell like a boy.
Not a baby, not a little boy.
But a real, stinky, sweaty boy.

Your hands are covered in dirt and grim.
Your cheeks are dusty,
Except for the tear tracks left from a now-forgotten playground tragedy.

It’s time for naps.
You’ve outgrown naps, but you still “rest”.
But today? Today you ask me to hold you.
How can I say no to that?

So we crawl into bed.
And I cradle both you and your sister in my arms.
And I realize that I am the luckiest person in the world.

You take your grimy, dirty hands and rub them across my cheeks.
You flutter your fingers over my closed eyelids
Just like I’ve done to you a thousand times.

And I completely don’t care about how dirty your hands are.
Or how my precious pillow is probably going to stink now.
All I think is, “I love you.”

And then I think, “I almost chose to check my email.”
I’m glad I didn’t.
The world can wait.


A few weeks ago I read this post and sobbed.  (I’ll give you a second to click on over there and read it.)
Was that long enough??  It really is a must read!

Anyway, my friend Renee from But Why Mommy is waiting for her son, nicknamed Lion, to come home from Ethiopia.

Renee and her husband adopted a daughter(Bunny) from China a few years ago.
And now, they wait…and wait…and wait for the opportunity to go get her little brother, their son.

They are so close, yet so far.
They what he looks like and they know his stats, but they don’t know what it feels like to hold him in their arms.
So close.
And while they wait, we(Renee’s internet posse) want to celebrate Lion, celebrate the family they are becoming.

Congrats, Renee & Frink!
Congrats,  Bunny!

We know he’s already in your hearts, but we can’t wait to see him in your arms!