For over a week, I’d been looking forward to dinner with good friends. We were gonna have a simple dinner of pizza and dessert (always dessert) and sit and talk and watch the children play. That was the plan, at least. And a few hours before the big get-together, the realtor called. Someone wanted to see the house the next morning. cow. The house was ready for friends (you know the ones who don’t care about the crumbs under the table or the piles of dirty laundry by the back door) but not for potential buyers! So I called to reschedule dinner.
“Sorry, guys…we gotta cancel because we have to clean like mad.”
You know what most people would say to that? What, honestly, I would probably say to that?
“Okay. Let’s just try to do it tomorrow night instead.”
Lucky for us, there are some people who go above and beyond.
People who are so kind, so thoughtful, and so giving that they want to do more.
“Sure,” she said. “Let’s do dinner tomorrow…but today?
Today I’m coming to your house after work and I’m gonna help you get everything ready.
I’ll do dishes and sweep and mop and even bathrooms.
Whatever you need, I’m ready to help.”
We’d all had a long, hard day, and we were all looking forward to just doing nothing together. But when things got dirty (literally), she stepped right in and picked up (literally) where I’d left off. We all worked together. Cleaned counters and bedrooms and toilets. Swept and mopped and vacuumed. We tackled it as a team and knocked it out in a handful of hours.
I learn so much from her. She lives her faith inside and out and doesn’t ever hesitate to help. She gives good advice when you’re looking for it but knows when to just listen. She remembers little details and brings them up when you need a boost. She makes everyone feel special and loved (and not just a kiss-kiss hollywood love). And I don’t think she even realizes how special she is, how much she means to so many people.
*…having so much fun together. You’re not even aware you’re such a funny pair. You’re the best of friends.
I have to say you are truly blessed to have a friend like this one! Keep her, she is sent from Heaven! One of the Prophet’s in our church once said, “God does notice us, and watches over us. But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs.” I totally believe this. She is an answer to prayer.