I have been hesitant to mention this online.
I have been hesitant to tell anybody, actually.
It seems…I don’t know…boastful or something.
But Marshall and I were both asked to be deacons at our church.
The word deacon means something slightly different in each church, but the basics are all the same.
Essentially being a deacon means I should(in my words based on the scriptures)…
- be respectable and respectful
- be sincere and unpretentious
- not be a big drinker
- not be a cheater
- be a servant
- not gossip
- be trustworthy
- be faithful to my spouse
- love, care for, teach and guide my children
Not always.
I can be a little too sassy and saucy.
I can loose my temper with my children a little too quickly.
I can easily find myself falling down the gossip hole.But am I trying to fit that bill?
Of course.
There are days that I’m on top of it all.
But there are days when it’s all on top of me and I can’t climb out.
Will I ever get it right?
Will I die trying?
I plan on it.
We are both really honored to have this opportunity.
Neither of us feel like we’re “good enough”, but we know that being “good enough” isn’t what God requires.
God is looking for commitment, willingness and faith.
I am willing to commit to try to do my best.
I am willing to commit to reach out and help those who need my help.
I am willing to commit that even if when my faith falters, I will try to find it again.
I am willing to commit to trying to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.
Whew…just reading that makes me tired.
I’m gonna need some prayers, folks.
*Technically, only to a church near me. But if you live near me, feel free to join us Sunday night at 6pm at our church.