Our Thankful Tree

A few years back I saw an idea in a magazine that I liked.  I can’t remember what magazine it was, but I remembered the basics.  You make a tree out of boring old brown paper, and put it up on your wall.  Then you cut out leaves to affix to the tree, and on each leaf you write something for which you are thankful.  At the end of the day, it’s fun to go back and see what everyone else wrote.  I didn’t do this earlier because the kids weren’t old enough to really get into it, but I thought they would be this year.

Well, my paper-tree-making skills aren’t as super-awesome as the paid artist at the magazine, and I didn’t really want to put tape up on my new walls.  So, I did the best I could to make a tree and put it on the pantry doors(you see it right as you come in the back door).  It’s already beginning to fall with the added weight of all the leaves, but the kids had fun coming up with things they loved or are thankful for…and they really loved taping stuff on the “wall”.

Here’s a view of our “Thankful Tree”. 


On the base, there are all the names of our family members(immediate and extended, including #3A) and our pets.  They are, after all, the main thing we are thankful for this time of year.

Here are what the leaves say:
From Bridget-sunshine, books, my super-awesome new bathtub, Woolite Fabric Cleaner(it works wonders on our white fabric dining room chairs), instant fire, the sound of giggles, my dogs, Jesse, Noelle, Ella, The Jester’s, washable crayons(that wipe right off the wall with a wet wipe!), quiet

From Marshall-my Dawgs, our families, good job, football, our home

From Tucker-Daddy, apple juice, chocolate milk, a house with windows and blinds, my tall friend Gramama, Lightning McQueen, Ramon and Flo

From Emmie-food, black, princesses, my favorite Christmas princess movie, Emmie, Mommy

From Gramama(my mom)-grandchildren, beautiful fall leaves, hugs & kisses, bread & butter, a cool breeze, my parents, naps, music

Pops(my dad)-my knee is doing well(he had knee surgery less than a week ago)

Teddy(Marshall’s brother)-my family, Steak n’ Shake

Richard(my brother)-Bruce, Lester and Jang-a-lang(his pets)

Nana(my grandmother)-my church, my family, salvation

Papa(my grandfather)-God and all His blessings

What are YOU thankful for??

No Responses to Our Thankful Tree
  1. Peapodsquadmom
    November 28, 2008 | 10:50 am

    We do something similar…but haven’t done anything on the wall (may have to try that next year). I’m thankful for: family, good friends, home, moments of pure worship, coffee, beautiful leaves, bubble baths, words, music, snuggles with my sweet ones.