I posted every day for 30 days! Are you proud of me?? I’ve had fun, but I have to admit that it’s incredibly hard to keep it up. I feel like out of the 30 posts, I only had a handful of really good ones. With the others, I feel like maybe I was just wasting some cyber-space. I probably won’t take the NaBloPoMo challenge again, but it was fun. The best part was getting comments and emails from you all. It’s always fun to see who reads my ramblings.
The next few days, I’ll probably be taking a break from blogging…unless something big happens on the baby front. When I’m back, I promise to get pictures up of the gingerbread house we made with my mom, and I hope to have the “outtakes” from our Christmas card photo shoot.
With today being the first day of Advent and tomorrow being the first day of December, my hope for you all this Christmas season is that you may be able to enjoy the season and all the many opportunities it offers, but also to slow down and enjoy it the little moments, and the real “reason for the season”. One of my favorite quotes comes to mind this time of year: “Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were big things.”
Yes, you did it! I wanted you to know that I *loved* having something new to read everyday! And you had more than a few really great blogs…enjoy your blogging-break. Hope you’re having a good start to the holidays! Take care!