Not much, but something…

I have enough experience to know that being 1cm dialated isn’t a big deal.  But I was still pretty pumped when the doc told me that she could feel the baby’s head.  With an induction date set for Dec. 22nd, I can’t complain too much…but I sure wouldn’t mind if I went into spontaneous labor before then.  Y’all pray hard.  I’ll pray hard.  And let’s see if we can’t pray this baby out or something…

No Responses to Not much, but something…
  1. Leila
    December 15, 2008 | 10:05 pm

    I am praying! Lucy was induced on December 18th – though she really had a Christmas due date. About early December my OB looked at me and said “Did you just mention you wanted this baby early?” I hadn’t said a word but I jumped at the chance to go early. I figured second baby – whats a little pitocin between friends?
    Now I am stuck and you soon will be planning a birthday party only days before Christmas. Lucy is still very fixed on having a birthday party near her birthday. Each year I try to convince her to delay it to Jan, Feb maybe even March but so far she’s not falling for it.
    So, we are having a “snow themed sleepover” on Friday night. Basically I bought tons of snow man theme crafts at Michaels, we’re going ice skating, then popping in Ice Age 2 and hoping everyone drifts off to sleep!
    Please keep us posted on the birth and be thankful you aren’t in a stable somewhere with only your husband as an attendant!

  2. Amber
    December 15, 2008 | 10:22 pm

    I feel sorry for #3A already for having a birthday so close to Christmas! I understand very well the disadvantages with having a birthday so close to Christmas! A tip in advance for when he or she gets older wrap his or her birthday presents in BIRTHDAY paper and not Christmas paper! 🙂