Daily Archives: 11:00 pm

"Once In A Blue Moon" Book Review

I’m a reader.  I will read most any genre, but my true love is chick lit.  I know, I know. Shocker, right?   I love me some Jane Green, Meg Cabot, Sophie Kinsella….  And now, after reading Once In A Blue Moon, I have added veteran writer Eileen Goudge to my “love it” list.


A few weeks ago I received a book from the One2One Network so that I could read and review it.  When I first got it in the mail, I really wanted this to be a book I couldn’t put down.  And I have to admit this…it wasn’t.  At first. With everything that I’ve had going on lately, reading has kind of taken a back seat to everything else.  The only chance I would have to read would be once I laid down for bed at night.  And I’d be so tired that I simply could.not.keep.eyes.open.  No matter what.

But I will say that, even though it took me a few days to get started, I was quickly wrapped up in the story of Lindsey and her life.  I loved the contrast between Lindsey and her sister Kerri Ann.  I really loved Miss Honey’s character.  Ollie reminded me of a good friend from way back.  Another one of those friends like I was talking about yesterday.

Was is a predictable book?  A little, but in a good way.  Kind of like when you go to watch a chick flick at the theater.  You can guess how it’s going to end, but the fun part is finding out how you get there!

I already have a few of Eileen’s older books on order from amazon.com, and I can’t wait to get them in the mail!

Want to know more about Eileen Goudge?   Become her fan on facebook or follow her on twitter. (She’s one of those authors who actually talks back when you chat with her on Facebook or Twitter!)