The Calm Before The Storm

It appears that I will be delivering a baby on Thursday.
And Wednesday is jam-packed with little things that need to get done.

And so here I am with today…
what I thought was going to be the calm before the storm.

But life with littles is never what you expect.
Lydia has croup.
Asa seems to be having some kind of insane I-must-empty-every-square-inch-of-my-intestines thing.

I didn’t sleep well last night(again).
I actually did sleep, for a change, but when I woke up I was even more tired than I was when I went to bed!
I’m thinking it was probably the billion low-level contractions – strong enough to wear me out, but too weak to wake me.

I had a few last minute things I was hoping to get done around here.
(For one, I still haven’t  packed a hospital bag.  Oops.)

But I’m not complaining!
I’m still in my pjs and I’m cuddling with two of my little people.
They are watching absurd amounts of TV while I finish my laugh-out-loud-often book.
I’ve got ice to eat.  (Gotta love pregnancy pica.)
I’ve got my sweet, snoring dogs beside me.
My mom is coming to make breakfast lasagna for dinner.

Life is good.
It’s not what I had planned for today-
It’s better!

6 Responses to The Calm Before The Storm
  1. Momma Lioness Michele
    January 25, 2011 | 12:48 pm

    You are pure awesomeness. Sending so much love and tons of easy labor vibes to you!

  2. Weekend Cowgirl
    January 25, 2011 | 12:58 pm

    Congratulations and have a wonderful week. Just think of it as special time with your babies before the baby comes…

  3. cindy w
    January 25, 2011 | 1:15 pm

    Congrats! Can’t wait to hear all about the new arrival.

    And 1/27 is a good day for having babies. It’s the day my baby turns 4. 🙂

  4. Liz Sanders
    January 25, 2011 | 2:25 pm

    The great thing is all the things they tell us to pack for the hospital…you really don’t need at all! I’m so excited for you I could bust. Have a great day doing nothing and I hope Lydia feels better soon!

  5. Christy
    January 25, 2011 | 5:06 pm

    Ill be praying for you!!! Happy!!!!