Daily Archives: 12:38 am

Not-so-Wordless Wednesday

Because I’m always behind the lens, there are very few pictures of me.  Of the ones that are taken, I’d venture to say that I am happy with roughly 1% of those.  I much prefer hiding behind the camera!

But every now and then I get a good one.  If you’re my friend on Facebook or Twitter, you’ve seen this before.  Sorry.  I’m really not full of myself, I was just excited to have a good picture of myself!

This is the way my hair looks if I fix it appropriately:

Bridget01And I like it when it looks like that.

However, most of the time it ends up looking like this:


So, after seeing the new Night at the Museum movie, I’ve decided that I really like Amy Adam’s hair. The one playing Amelia Earhart. I think I might attempt a cut similar to hers:

Photo by Hamara Photo

Photo by Hamara Photo

What do you think??