Daily Archives: 4:02 pm

Sentences on Sunday

Dear Asa,
You took your first lurch forward yesterday.  I won’t call it a crawl because technically all you did was get up on your hands and knees and then stretch out and fall.  But you gained some ground, so we’re calling it a lurch.  I am not ready for you to crawl.  Now I guess I really have to clean the floor.

Dear Lydia,
You know that poem about the little girl with the curl in the middle of her forehead?  Um…yeah, that’s you. Except the curls are in the back.  I don’t have the slightest idea where your temper comes from.  (Ha!)

Dear Carter,
I love that you love school.  One day last week you walked into your class and said, “Hey, folks!  What are we gonna learn today?”.  Love it!  And I love you.

Love  love  love,