Daily Archives: 9:18 pm

Every Single Night

Mama, are you ty-erd?

Yes, baby, I’m tired.

Are you going to bey-ad?

Yes, baby, I’m going to bed.

Mama, are you gonna go to sleep?

Yes, baby, I’m going to go to sleep.


Because I’m tired.

Am I your favorite free year old?

Yes.  You are my favorite three year old.



You’re my favorite firty year old.

*smiles and giggles*
(both of us)

I love you.  Goodnight.

Goodnight, Mommy.

I’ll see you in my dreams.

I’ll come find you in the morning.

I can’t wait.

I love you, Lydia.

I love you, Mommy.

Goodnight, my love.

(This never gets old, and I hope I never forget it.)

This was written as part of the {W}rite of Passage Challenge.