Every Single Night

Mama, are you ty-erd?

Yes, baby, I’m tired.

Are you going to bey-ad?

Yes, baby, I’m going to bed.

Mama, are you gonna go to sleep?

Yes, baby, I’m going to go to sleep.


Because I’m tired.

Am I your favorite free year old?

Yes.  You are my favorite three year old.



You’re my favorite firty year old.

*smiles and giggles*
(both of us)

I love you.  Goodnight.

Goodnight, Mommy.

I’ll see you in my dreams.

I’ll come find you in the morning.

I can’t wait.

I love you, Lydia.

I love you, Mommy.

Goodnight, my love.

(This never gets old, and I hope I never forget it.)

This was written as part of the {W}rite of Passage Challenge.

12 Responses to Every Single Night
  1. Secret Agent Mama - Mishelle
    January 25, 2010 | 9:51 pm

    So touchingly sweet!

  2. Christie
    January 25, 2010 | 10:04 pm

    Just so sweet. Made me tear up a little, because two of my kids are so far past that, and I have one that is almost there. I love this.

  3. Red Lotus Mama
    January 25, 2010 | 10:11 pm

    So sweet … I like how you captured her vocal inflections.

  4. Colleen - Mommy Always Wins
    January 25, 2010 | 10:34 pm

    How unbelievably sweet! Love it!

  5. Becky
    January 25, 2010 | 10:59 pm


  6. AmazingGreis
    January 25, 2010 | 11:00 pm

    So sweet! To be cherished forever.

  7. Becky
    January 25, 2010 | 11:00 pm

    P.S. I better be her favorite firty-thix year old!!!

  8. patois
    January 26, 2010 | 9:43 am

    Aw, this is beautiful. I feel as if I saw the whole thing.

  9. iamthediva
    January 26, 2010 | 11:53 am

    loved it!! so cute

  10. punkinmama
    January 26, 2010 | 1:41 pm

    So sweet!

  11. olivekeeper
    January 26, 2010 | 10:30 pm

    The nighttime giggles are the sweetest.

  12. Natalie at Mommy on Fire
    January 29, 2010 | 9:25 pm

    Precious, precious…Makes me wish my kids slept with me at night! Isn’t it great to be SUCH a center of one’s world? It is truly magical.

    Visiting from Write of Passage – I am new to it and enjoyed reading your dialogue!