He was sitting with a family friend in big church when he spied a Ring Pop in her bag.
Head tilted up, eyes on hers…he whispered: “Ms. Tara, can I have that Ring Pop?”
“After church is over,” she promised.
We sing our songs, read our readings, pray.
And the ushers begin to take up offering.
I hear my name and turn to see his big, pleading eyes.
“Do you have my offering?”
Oh, no…I forgot.
Shaking my head, I see him look at her.
She digs in her bag, searching for a coin – maybe two.
But not even a stray penny…
And so she hands him the Ring Pop and says,
“Do you want to give this?
Offering is a sacrifice, giving up something you really want.
And you really want this, don’t you?”
And he nods and carefully places it in the plate before him.
“Thank you” I mouth to her.
And as I turn back around, my eyes welled up.
What a beautiful lesson – from him and from her.
(I am so grateful for a wonderful church family. )

**Linking up with Heather‘s Just Write.**
What a blessing to have a friend that would teach such an important lesson in a way only a child could truly grasp.
oh this is so sweet and so very awesome! I love this lesson, and it will stick with me.
So impressed that he would do that at such a young age!! You can really be proud of the way you’ve raised him! And such a wonderful friend! Loved that she would do this!!
So beautiful. Love moments like this. That’s one special family you have.
Wow, all of our kids need other adults in their lives to help teach lessons in such a powerful way! That’s awesome. And inspires me to try better to make an impact on other kids too (not just my own).
Oh man, what a lesson! I don’t think I would have thought of that, or that my kids would have gone along with that. Awesome!
Gah! I know better than to read your blogs where I can’t cry!!!!