Author Archives: Bridget

One Fine Day

(Remember that movie?
I loved that movie!)

Marshall and I aren’t really into celebrating anniversaries.
Birthdays?  YES!
Anniversaries?  Meh…a little.

But we usually try to go out on a real grown-up date and go somewhere fan-cy,
ya know, somewhere with cloth napkins and plates not made out of paper, plastic or metal.

Anyway…our dinner was nice, the conversation was wonderful, and the movie was funny.
It was the perfect end to the perfect day.

So what made my day so perfect?  I think my facebook status said it all:

Today I was a muffin-making, picture-taking, room-cleaning, fort-building, plant-watering, pool-swimming, giggle-inducing puller of the towel slide. And now I will shower, get dressed up and play like an adult for a few hours. All around awesome day!

The kids and I packed a week’s worth of fun into one day.
And it was perfect!



And moments like this?


Be still, my beating heart…

(Click any picture to enlarge)

If I’d Known Then What I Know Now…

If I knew then what I know now,
I would have worried less about what other people thought.

If I knew then what I know now,
I would have made better financial decisions.

If I knew then what I know now,
I would have tried more of some things and less of others.

If I knew then what I know now,
I would have never worked at that one place.
(You know the one.)

If I knew then what I know now,
I would have believed in myself
and been confident in the person I was becoming.

And if I knew then what I know now,
I would have told myself to dream big;
expect the unexpected;
and remember that the past is worth remembering,
the future is worth anticipating,
but what really counts is the right here, right now.

I would have told myself to breathe deeply,
drink in every moment,
and be  happy.

I’m glad that even though I can’t go back and tell myself those things,
That there was someone, my special someone,
Who loved me enough to tell me these things when I needed to hear them.

Marshall, thank you for telling me and teaching me and loving me.

It’s been the best 9 years of my life, and I can’t wait for more.

P.S.  Your head is not nearly as oddly shaped as this picture makes it look.  Just sayin’.

Mouthwatering Monday: Tomato Basil Alfredo Pizza

Tonight for dinner, we made two home-made pizzas.
(Well, mostly homemade. I used a mix for the pizza dough.)

One pizza was from Taste of Home’s Light & Tasty magazine. It can be found here.

The other pizza was purely a Bridget creation: Tomato Basil Alfredo Pizza.


I used the Betty Crocker Crust Mix, which was the easiest pizza dough I’ve ever used and it was surprisingly good.
(I’m sure there are some of you who make your own pizza dough.
I love you all, but I’m too lazy to wait for the yeast to do it’s thing.)

Once you’ve flattened the dough into the pan,  spread about 1 cup of alfredo sauce over the entire top.

Add thinly sliced tomatoes and fresh basil leaves(we used some from our garden!!), both distributed evenly over the pizza.

Top with approximately 1 cup of shredded mozzarella and 1 cup of shredded(not grated) parmesan.

Bake at 400° for 12-15 minutes, or until cheese is golden brown and crust is done.

*I took pictures, but they didn’t do it justice.   Trust me…it looked goooooooood.

**There are NO affiliate links in this post.

Sentences on Sunday

Dearest Asa,
I love hearing you call out “bawl. bawl. bawl.”   Hundreds of times a day I hear this word. You love all kinds of balls. And anyone who has ever met you agrees that you’re destined to be an athlete.

Your “eye teeth” are coming in, and I’m kind of sad that your baby smile is so quickly becoming a big kid smile.  (And why are they called eye teeth?  That makes no sense what-so-ever!)

Your laugh is infectious.  You love your big sister.  You are constantly trying to keep up with your big brother.  You don’t talk a lot, but it’s obvious that you comprehend plenty.

You haven’t started saying “no” yet, but I’m sure it’s coming.  You hear it enough lately because you’re really testing those limits.

But you, my barely-a-baby-anymore baby, soothe my chaotic heart and mind like no other.  And I love you.

Love, Mommy


Dear Lydia,

I can’t believe how still you sit when I braid your hair.  I love your long silky hair when it’s down, but it sure is cute in double french braids.  You look like an American Girl doll.  My whole life I dreamed of having a little girl to dress up and fix hair and put make-up on.

You are so motherly to your brothers, yet strong-willed and opinionated.  I love that even when you were the littlest kid at a new friend’s house, you didn’t hesitate to stand up for yourself when you felt slighted at play time.  You show ’em who’s boss…ok, kid?

I also love that when we went to see a local high school production of Beauty and the Beast, you looked at the girl playing Belle(who happened to be African-American) and said(in all honesty): “There’s something different about this Belle…but I just can’t quite put my finger on it.”  I may have teared up.  Just a little.

I love your sympathy, your compassion, your giggle, your eyes.  I love you.

Love, Mommy


Dear Carter,

I’m excited about this week.  You finished up with school last week, but Lydia still has a few more days.  I’m looking forward to spending some one-on-one time with you.  You’re so content being by yourself that sometimes you get lost in the shuffle and I’ll realize it’s been weeks since we’ve done something just the two of us.

You are so incredibly smart.  I love how we have begun to have “grown up conversations” lately.  Today at church you asked about communion.  As I quietly whispered my response to you, you nodded your head and stared out into space.  That’s your thinking look.  When I see you looking straight ahead at nothing in particular, I know you’re processing.  Your dad does the same thing.  I’ll be ready and waiting when the questions come.  God help me explain it well.

You are tough and sensitive all at once.  You love to cuddle and hug and love on others, but you also play hard and love to get dirty.  I am proud of you who are, and who you are becoming.  And I’m having a hard time believing that you’re old enough to go to “big school”.  Hopefully I’ll wrap my mind around that by the time you start in August.

My dear firstborn, oh how I love you.

Love, Mommy

I’ve got nothin’

Remember how I said sometimes I go a while between posts and it doesn’t bother me?

I lied.

But it doesn’t bother me because my stats are down or any of that hullabaloo.

(What?  It’s my blog.  I can use the world hullabaloo if I want to.)

It bothers me because I have things I want to say.

I have thinks that I’m thinking and need to get out…

But I’ve got nothin’.

The words won’t come.

They’re all muddled in my head.

So until those words filter through and make their way to the page,

here’s a cute picture of my kid:

Weekly Winners: We Smiled A Lot This Week

Fun in the sun

I see myself in him

Too tired to walk, but not to tired for fun!

Fancy Nancy is almost ready for her tea party.

Happiness is…

Birthday Tea with friends and flowers

My Little Cub New look at old favorites

Find more of my pictures on my flickr stream.

And find more Weekly Winners over at Loter’s place.

Mouthwatering Monday: Chocolate Chip Pound Cake

Last week I posted this photo on facebook.

It’s not even a good picture, but I’ve had numerous people ask for the recipes.

Soooo…you can find the lemonade cake(right) recipe here.  Possibly the best cake ever.

(And no, Nick, I wouldn’t consider either of these “from scratch” because you use a box mix as the base.)


This one comes in a close second: chocolate chip pound cake.  nom.

1 box yellow cake mix
1 small box instant vanilla pudding
4 eggs
1 cup vegetable oil
1 cup milk
1 chopped Hersey bar
6 oz. semi-sweet MINI chocolate chips

Combine first five ingredients.  Add chocolates and mix well.

Bake at 350 for 45-55 minutes in a greased bundt pan.

Once cooled, make this shiny chocolate glaze(from Elle’s New England Kitchen) and drizzle over the top:

Chocolate Glaze

1/2 cup (3 ounces) semisweet chocolate chips
2 tablespoons (1 ounce) butter
1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon light corn syrup (I use Golden Syrup)
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract

Melt the ingredients together over low heat or in the microwave, stirring often. Add extra corn syrup if needed to make a smooth, shiny glaze. Yield: about ½ cup glaze.

My life.

We ate lunch with my grandparents on Friday.
I am always amazed at them-
My Nana, quiet but attentive.
My Papa, boisterous and fun.
And while age may have slowed them down,
It surely hasn’t taken away their personalities,
their perfectly complementary personalities.

We went to buy plants for a vegetable garden.
And they knew I had no clue what I was doing.
And they guided me.
Told me what to buy.
How to plant.
What kind of watering can to use.

And they were proud.
And they were happy.

And I was proud.
And I was happy.

And it took my breath away.
And maybe brought a few tears to my eyes.
Because I know that it won’t always be like this.


Today we planted our garden.
The children got messy, and so did I.
I squished my toes in the dirt.
I felt the sun on my skin.
They dug holes with their hands,
And stomped around on the topsoil to make it “nice and fa-lat”.
(We’re from the south, ya know?  All words must be at least 2 syllables long here!)

And I was proud.
And I was happy.

And they were proud.
And they were happy.

And it took my breath away.
And maybe brought a few tears to my eyes.
Because I know that it won’t always be like this.


Tonight we went to hear my brother’s band play.
He’s really good.  They’re really good.
And they had some amazing guests sitting in with them.

My parents were there,
And we sat together sans children.
Which was nice for a change…

They played “good ol’ songs”.
And some reggae.
And some country.
And some originals.

And as my oh-so-musical family sat there singing a long to “Quinn the Eskimo” and “Dang Me“,
I thought this is it…my life is perfect.

And I am proud.
And I am happy.

And they are proud.
And they are happy.

And it took my breath away.
And maybe brought a few tears to my eyes.
Because I know that it won’t always be like this.


What more could I ask for on Mother’s Day than to be proud and happy?
And to have the opportunity to make others proud and happy?


Just for fun

My posts have been heavy.   I need some fluff.

I’ve watched this about 736 times since I first saw it in March.

You’ve probably seen it, too.

But that doesn’t make it any less legen…dary.

Now…don’t you feel better?

I know I do!

Beautiful. Strong. Proud.

When you look at me, what do you see?
I can’t help but wonder.
This woman I am, I have become-
Confident and outgoing?

Or the girl, the one there hidden in my eyes-
Plagued by doubts and secrets and sins?
It’s hard not to let her smuggle away that confidence,
Smother this person I’ve become.

But today…today I will fight back.
I will push her back into the shadows.

And today I will look at myself
And I will see someone beautiful,
Someone strong,
Someone I’m proud to be.

Because I have a little girl in my house
Who is watching me.
And she is beautiful.
And she is strong.
And she is someone who should be proud of herself.

So for her…
I will call myself beautiful and believe it.
I will proclaim with authority that I am strong.
I will be proud of me.

And one day…
One day…
I hope she will , too.