I wish I lived somewhere that had four distinct seasons.
I wish I lived somewhere that didn’t leave you in short sleeve shirts on Christmas morning.
I wish I lived somewhere where fall lasted more than a few days.
But I don’t.
And I probably never will.
I have some friends (*cough*Sarah*cough*) who had to pull out the sweatshirts weeks ago.
And who are enjoying a true, crisp-air-apple-eating autumn.
But down here in the deep South, we won’t see real fall weather until probably November.
(That’s ok…I won’t be digging out from under eleventy-billion inches of snow in January.)
But there are a few trees around here don’t seem to know that it’s still in the 9o’s every afternoon.
And there’s that wonderful, magical, golden hour…right after the sun greets the day…
And the air is crisp and cool not sweltering,
And the leaves shine in majestic glory,
Filling me with warm fuzzies of epic proportions.
And if I can only get autumn for a few minutes each morning,
I should at least be enjoying it while I can.
I think I need these for breakfast tomorrow, don’t you?
You know, in the spirit of the season.
I did laundry last week and washed 9 sweatshirts – my husband said, “How did you wear NINE sweatshirts – there’s only 7 days in a week!?!”
I love fall, what can I say!
I can feel fall in the air here too, and even though the air is still think with sea salt humidity… I’m hopeful for a somewhat cool Halloween. when we lived in Virginia I loved Fall. It is really my favorite time of year. One of the things I miss about DC the most is the distinct seasons, cause all we have here is summer, and not so much summer.
You need to move to Indy! (Or at least come visit!) Make it through one winter here and you’ll want to move anywhere else!
But Fall is my absolute favorite season!
Yes, the mornings are wonderful, crisp, cool, with a hint of autumn. Here is Tidewater Virginia, I am trying to “pretend” it’s fall. However, this afternoon, I broke down and put on e a/c again. Forecast for the rest of the week, 90s.
I’ll admit it, I do love 4 seasons. But know what I do not love one single bit? 18 months of winter. Or at least that’s what it feels like…
Our leaves go from green to brown. I want to go somewhere that has a beautiful fall season with beautiful leaves to photograph. I need to take a long road trip!
I am more then willing to share some of my crisp fall weather with you too!
BTW – Blissdom this year?
It’s fall? lol It’s still in the upper 80s and low 90s here in South Carolina. Plus side, we are still getting produce from the garden!!